2017 Legislation: Colorado House Bill 17-1303 (PDF)
Bill Summary Notable Statutory Changes:
- New Appointing Authorities beginning in 2019 with minority leaders in House and Senate appointing one non-attorney to each Commission
- State Commission increased to 11 members in 2019. Chief Justice gets one additional attorney appointment
- State Commission approves Rules Governing Commissions on Judicial Performance and removed Colorado Supreme Court from rule making
- Required the creation and use of a performance standards matrix for Judicial Performance
- Changed recommendation wording from "Retain," "Do Not Retain" to "Meets performance standards" or "Does not meet performance standards"
- Begins performance evaluation for senior judges
- Allows for the creation of a volunteer courtroom observation program
- Gives commissions the discretion to recommend to the Chief Justice or Chief Judge of a district to develop an individual performance plan for an under performing Judge in the interim evaluation cycle
- Provide information from the State Commission and OJPE to the SCAO regarding recommendations for judicial training and education
Please see HB17-1303 (signed) for the complete statutory changes.
Bill Summary: Colorado HB 17-1303 Bill Summary (Link)
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2019 Legislation: Colorado Senate Bill 19-187 (PDF)
Bill Summary Notable Statutory Changes:
- Changed that if the appointing authority fails to appoint a commission member within 45 days after a vacancy arises, the State Commission on Judicial Performance Evaluation will assume appointing authority until the term expires (then the appointing authority reverts back to the original appointing authority)
- Surveys of justices and judges are to be distributed primarily through electronic means
Please see SB 19-187 (signed) for the complete statutory changes.
Bill Summary: Colorado Senate Bill 19-187 Summary (PDF)
Bill Digest: SB 19-187 (PDF)
Colorado Legislative Assembly: Colorado Senate Bill 19-187 Website Link (Link)
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