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Judicial Performance Surveys

District and County Judge Evaluations

Attorney Questionnaire - Sent to attorneys, including attorneys within the district attorneys’ and public defenders' offices, who have appeared before or been affected by a judge.

Cuestionario que no es abogado - enviados a los miembros del jurado, los litigantes, los agentes del orden, los empleados de la corte, intérpretes judiciales, los empleados de oficinas de libertad condicional, empleados de los departamentos locales de servicios sociales, y las víctimas de delitos, que han aparecido antes o han sido afectadas por un juez.

Non-Attorney Questionnaire - Sent to jurors, litigants, law enforcement personnel, employees of the court, court interpreters, employees of probation offices, employees of local departments of social services, and victims of crimes, who have appeared before or been affected by a judge.

Supreme Court Justice and Court of Appeals Judge Evaluations

Appellate Questionnaire - Sent to attorneys who have appeared before or been affected by a justice or judge.