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Website Accessibility Strategic Plan

Section 1: Timeline


January 2024:

Office of Judicial Performance Evaluation (OJPE) Hired Accessibility Consultant - Allyant to meet accessibility WCAG 2.1 Guidelines

March 2024:

Allyant completes website accessibility audit and QA batch testing begins

May 2024:

Office has completed 50 percent of Allyant audit QA phase.

July 2024:

Begin remediation of PDF documents with CommonLook PDF and office employees complete remediation trainings with Allyant for word and PDF documents. 

August 2024:

Office has reached 88 percent completion of Allyant audit QA phase. Working to receive "Letter of Achievement" from Allyant and begin "Walk-through stage of website". Office downloads additional website auditing feature with "SiteImprove"

September 2024: 

Attended the State Internet Portal Authority conference and participated in panel regarding accessibility. Attended multiple training sessions regarding accessibility and compliance. Office developed Equally Effective Alternate Access Plan and Document policy for accommodations related to remediation of current PDFs. 

October 2024:

Office is currently listed at 88 percent compliance with the Allyant Audit and 89.4 percent accessibility score with SiteImprove. OJPE is working to reach 95 percent compliance with both website audits by the end of 2024. 

November - December 2024:

Continue to work towards 95 compliance with Allyant and SiteImprove audits. Utilize CommonLook to develop remediated documents and complete all priority documents that do not present an undue burden. Working to receive "Letter of Achievement" from Allyant and begin "Walk-through stage of website"


January 2025:

Achieved "Letter of Achievement" from Allyant. Website has reached a 94.1 percent accessibility score with WCAG Level AA and 91.6 percent accessibility score with WCAG Level A on SiteImprove. 


February 2025:

Begin "Walkthrough Stage" with Allyant and begin second audit website remediation. Website remediation of PDF document archive continues through CommonLook. 


March 2025:

Working to receive "Letter of Conformance" with Allyant through remediation of identified compliance issues. 


May 2025: 

Receive "Letter of Conformance" with Allyant and achieve 95 percent accessibility score with WCAG Levels AA and A through SiteImprove. 

Section 2: Goals


  1. Adopt WCAG 2.1 AA Standards and Implement within website (Completed - Ongoing Integration)


  2. Accessibility Statement (Completed) 


  3. Equally Effective Alternate Access Plan (Completed) 


  4. Audits and Testing with Allyant and SiteImprove (Audits Completed - Ongoing compliance testing)


  5. Accessible Design and Development Practices (In Progress)


  6. OJPE Personnel Training and Education (Completed - Ongoing Training to Continue)


  7. Alternative Formats (Policy Completed - Remediation of Documents Ongoing)


  8. Functional User Feedback Mechanism (Completed) 


  9. Legal and Compliance Review (In Progress)

Section 3: Organizational Measures (Roles and Responsibilities)


  • Define an accessibility roadmap including timeline, goals, roles, responsibilities and policies as needed for our organization.


  • Include accessibility into procurement processes.


  • Create and implement a plan for providing reasonable accommodation and modification until the technology can be made accessible.


  • Provide contact information and support for receiving accessibility feedback and accommodations requests.


  • Hire people with accessibility skills and train current employees on providing accessible services and technology.


  • Incorporate accessibility requirements into our technology development stages including design, development, user experience, and quality assurance.


  • Create and post on front‐facing web pages a progress‐to‐date report that is updated quarterly and demonstrates concrete and specific efforts toward compliance with the OIT rules. (This is required to be in compliance with the requirements of HB24‐1454 (LINK) through July 1, 2025)

Section 4: Policies



The Office of Judicial Performance Evaluation is committed to providing equitable access to our services to all Coloradans. Our ongoing accessibility effort works towards being in line with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2.1, levels A and AA criteria. These guidelines not only help make web content accessible to users with sensory, cognitive, and mobility disabilities but ultimately to all users regardless of ability. This website is just part of a meaningful change in making all State of Colorado services inclusive and accessible. We welcome comments on how to improve this website’s accessibility for users with disabilities and for requests for accommodation to any of the Office of Judicial Performance Evaluation Services.


Compliance with HB 21-1110:

A public entity may be considered in compliance with the technology accessibility rules if they: 1. Provide reasonable accommodations or modifications and 2. Has a published accessibility statement and 3. Can provide evidence of making good faith progress on their plan to remove accessibility barriers


Compliance with HB 24-1454: 

A government entity that is not able to meet the steps to comply with the OIT rules by July 1, 2024 may instead pursue compliance with the requirements of HB24‐1454 through July 1, 2025. On July 1, 2025 all government entities must comply with the OIT rules. A government entity may be immune from liability through July 1, 2025 for failure to comply with the OIT rules if they meet the following three criteria: · Make good faith efforts toward resolution of a complaint of noncompliance; · Create a clear, easy‐to‐find process that is prominently displayed on all front‐ facing web pages for requesting redress for inaccessible digital products, including contact options that are not dependent on web access; and · Create and post on front‐facing web pages a progress‐to‐date report that is updated quarterly and demonstrates concrete and specific efforts toward compliance with the OIT rules.

Formal Approval: 

Kent Wagner, Executive Director 

Office of Judicial Performance Evaluation 

Approved on February 5th, 2025