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Shaw, Rex 1992 Evaluation


Eighth Judicial District - Jackson County Court Judge

Honorable Rex A. Shaw

Retention Year: 1992
Recommendation: Retain


Judge Shaw was appointed County Court Judge in Jackson County in September 1985. This is a part-time position handling all type of county court cases including criminal, civil and small claims. Prior to his appointment, Judge Shaw was a surveyor and property manager, and he is currently also in the construction business. He is not an attorney, but a lay judge in background.

Since this is a part-time court and position, the number of responses from questionnaires was small. They were, however, very favorable with comments stating he is professional, fair, compassionate, attentive, considerate and diligent. The only problems mentioned were related to the fact that he is not an attorney, which was seen as a shortcoming by some. But even those complaining of this fact felt he performed an adequate job.

The Commission felt Judge Shaw took his work seriously and was strongly motivated to continue to serve in this position. He is well aware of the problems involving in not being more versed in the law and seeks advice and help when needed.

The questionnaire results showed: 7 Attorneys, Retain 72% (5), Not retain 14% (1), No opinion 14% (1); 10 Law Enforcement Officers, Retain 100%, Not retain 0% (0), No opinion 0% (0); 8 Court Personnel, Retain 87.5% (7), Not retain 14% (1), No opinion 12.5% (1). This represents the total of questionnaires received by the Commission.

The 8th Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance recommends that Judge Rex A. Shaw be retained.