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Pelican, Steven 2000 Evaluation


Fourth Judicial District - District Court Judge

Honorable Steven T. Pelican 

Retention Year: 2000
Recommendation: Retain


The Fourth Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance recommends that Judge Steven T. Pelican BE RETAINED.

Judge Steven T. Pelican is virtually a native of Colorado Springs having lived here since 1948 when he was three years old. Judge Pelican graduated from the University of Colorado School of Law in 1969 after attending Colorado College. He lives with his wife and three children and is active in the community. He is a co-founder and president since 1993 of the Pikes Peak Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, a chalice bearer at Grace Episcopal Church and has been a Trustee of the El Paso County Bar Association as well as on the Board of Governors of the State Bar Association.

Judge Pelican was the second highest rated judge by the attorneys and highest among the non-attorneys surveyed in this election cycle in the Fourth Judicial District. Judge Pelican, a noted leader among the trial bench, practiced law for twelve and one-half years both as a District Attorney and private practitioner before taking the bench fifteen years ago. Judge Pelican is a judge who maintains an excellent judicial demeanor and is a careful student of the law.

Of the 37 attorneys surveyed, 95% voted to retain Judge Pelican, 3% voted not to retain and 3% had no opinion. Of the 113 non-attorneys surveyed, 85% voted to retain Judge Pelican, 8% voted not to retain and 6% had no opinion.