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Munch, Christopher 2000 Evaluation


First Judicial District - District Court Judge

Honorable Christopher J. Munch 

Retention Year: 2000
Recommendation: Retain


The First Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance recommends that Judge Christopher J. Munch BE RETAINED.

Of the attorneys surveyed, 83% favored retention, 7% favored non-retention and 10% had no opinion. Of the non-attorneys surveyed, 78% favored retention, 12% favored non-retention and 10% had no opinion.

According to survey comments there was concern over one issue of security in his courtroom. Judge Munch stated that he had been unaware of this concern before seeing the survey comment, and had already taken steps to resolve the issue. Another issue addressed in his interview was a concern from victims in one case regarding sentencing. Judge Munch explained the sentencing in the case at hand, including the change in sentencing after a probation violation.

While most of the survey comments regarding Judge Munch were positive, the Commission is concerned about a few complaints that Judge Munch's demeanor was hostile or condescending. Judge Munch said that he would continue to work on his patience and demeanor.

The Commission was impressed by Judge Munch's community service through his participation in an experimental program to attempt to reduce civil litigation costs. As this program is new there are no results yet, but the judge's attempt to find a way to resolve this problem is commendable.