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Moss, Ed 2006 Evaluation


Seventeenth Judicial District - District Court Judge

Honorable Ed Moss

Retention Year: 2006
Recommendation: Retain


2006 Retention Survey Report (PDF)


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The Seventeenth Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance unanimously recommends that Judge Ed Moss BE RETAINED.

Before being appointed to the bench in 2004, Judge Moss was elected to the city council of Westminster, Colorado, and was later elected as the city’s mayor.
Judge Moss served as a Judicial Intern at the United States Supreme Court, after which he served as Senior Law Clerk to Judge Sherman Finesilver of the U.S. District Court in Denver. In private practice for more than 20 years, Judge Moss worked primarily in the areas of oil and gas, real estate and general commercial litigation. He is a long time member of the Colorado Bar Association Ethics Committee. In 2001, the Metropolitan Volunteer Lawyers organization named him a Volunteer Lawyer of the Year.
Judge Moss’s caseload consists of 50% Domestic Relations, 45% Criminal and 5% Misdemeanor.

The Commission reviewed written evaluations of Judge Moss from both attorneys and non-attorneys responding to a professionally conducted survey. He received above average ratings from attorneys and average ratings from non-attorneys. Of the attorneys responding to the survey 92% recommended he be retained, 3% recommended he not be retained. Of the non-attorneys responding 69% recommended retention, 17% recommended non-retention. Further, the Commission conducted a personal interview with the Judge and was impressed with his commitment to learn from the survey information and maintain his high judicial standards.

Judge Moss feels strongly about the importance of community service, since being appointed he has been a panel speaker at numerous continuing legal education seminars; a presenter at a Boy Scout merit badge program on citizenship; and a guest speaker at the Westminster Rotary club which also awarded him an honorary life membership in the Westminster morning Rotary.