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Melonakis, Chris 2000 Evaluation


Seventeenth Judicial District - District Court Judge

Honorable Chris Melonakis

Retention Year: 2000
Recommendation: Retain 


The Seventeenth Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance unanimously recommends that Judge Chris Melonakis BE RETAINED.

Judge Melonakis, a District Judge for the Seventeenth Judicial District, was appointed to the District Court Bench in 1998. Prior to his appointment, he had been engaged in the private practice of law for over 20 years.

Judge Melonakis has presided over domestic and criminal cases during his two-year tenure. He considers himself to be a hard-working judge who zealously researches, reads and studies the law before making a decision. Ratings from attorneys as well as non-attorneys support this evaluation of Judge Melonakis's knowledge and study of law. Comments from attorneys were mostly favorable and 90% of those responding recommended retention of this judge, with 10% rejecting retention.

Sixty-nine percent (69%) of law enforcement, court personnel and litigants responding to the survey felt that Judge Melonakis should be retained, 23% voted to not retain and 8% had no opinion.