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Martinez, Alex 2000 Evaluation


Colorado Supreme Court

Honorable Alex J. Martinez

Retention Year: 2000
Recommendation: Retain


The State Commission on Judicial Performance recommends that Justice Alex J. Martinez BE RETAINED.

Justice Martinez was appointed to the Colorado Supreme Court in 1996. Prior to his appointment to the Supreme Court he was a District Court Judge for the 10th Judicial District, Pueblo County, 1988-1996, and a County Court Judge in Pueblo County, 1983-1988. For six years prior to the County Court bench, Justice Martinez was a Deputy State Public Defender in Pueblo. He is a graduate of the University of Colorado and the University of Colorado School of Law.

Justice Martinez has been heavily involved in maintaining a positive relationship between the Supreme Court, the public and practicing bar. He has served as the chair of the Public Access to Electronic Information Committee (computerizing the courts), the Criminal Rules Committee, the Criminal Jury Instruction Committee, and as chair of Child Welfare Appeals. He is a former vice president of the Colorado Bar Association and served on the Executive Council of the Pueblo Bar Association. He currently serves on the University of Colorado Law School Alumni Board of Directors and the Servicios De La Raza Board of Directors.

The State Commission was very impressed with Justice Martinez. As a former trial judge and now as a Supreme Court Justice, he exhibits a keen understanding of the judicial system, and displays outstanding judicial demeanor and intellectual ability. The commission was also impressed with Justice Martinez's involvement in community and bar association activities as a positive component of his judicial role.

Attorneys and court personnel rated Justice Martinez very highly. Eighty-two percent (82%) voted to retain Justice Martinez, 7% voted not to retain, and 11% had no opinion. Eighty-nine percent (89%) of trial court judges voted to retain Justice Martinez, 2% voted not to retain, and 9% had no opinion.