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Johnston, David 2000 Evaluation


Seventh Judicial District - Delta County Court Judge

Honorable David C. Johnston

Retention Year: 2000
Recommendation: Retain


The Seventh Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance recommends that Judge David C. Johnston BE RETAINED.

Judge Johnston is a graduate of Stanford University and Harvard School of Law. He spent 15 years in the private practice of law before being appointed Delta County Judge in January 1989.

His workload involves civil and criminal cases. The Judicial Performance Commission, after its interview, was impressed with Judge Johnston's dedication to his position as judge and his commitment to the judicial system. He appeared attentive to his responsibilities and sets high goals for himself as a judge.

The sampling of attorneys responding to questionnaires, found Judge Johnston to be courteous to those in his courtroom and impartial. Attorneys indicated the judge is clear in both written and oral communications, listens patiently, is punctual and manages court time efficiently. Management of his cases and docket in a timely manner, preparation, ruling in a timely matter, making decisions without regard to criticism and Judge Johnston's knowledge of the rules of evidence and procedure were all rated well above average.

The Commission's high evaluation of Judge Johnston, taking into consideration his own self-evaluation, is confirmed in the responses and comments from both attorneys and non-attorneys. Ninety-four percent (94%) of attorneys responding to the evaluation recommended that Judge Johnston be retained, while 6% recommended non-retention. Sixty-two percent (62%) of non-attorneys recommended retention, 19% recommended non-retention and 19% had no opinion.

During public hearing, information was presented regarding Judge Johnston's rulings in particular cases. The Judicial Performance Commission was not persuaded that the information presented indicated Judge Johnston acted improperly.

The Seventh Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance recommends that Delta County Judge David C. Johnston BE RETAINED.