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Iuppa, Barney 2002 Evaluation


Fourth Judicial District - El Paso County Court Judge

Honorable Barney Iuppa 

Retention Year: 2002
Recommendation: Retain

The Fourth Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance recommends that Judge Barney Iuppa BE RETAINED.

Judge Iuppa was appointed to the El Paso County Court bench in July 1995. A graduate of the University of Denver, Judge Iuppa previously served as a Deputy State Public Defender from 1973 to 1977 and also as a Fourth Judicial District Attorney from 1985 to 1989.

The Commission reviewed written evaluations of Judge Iuppa from attorneys and non-attorneys, a self-evaluation completed by Judge Iuppa and conducted two personal interviews with the judge. Written survey results showed that 60% of the attorneys recommended retention, with 12% expressing no opinion. Of the non-attorneys responding to the survey, 83% recommended retention and 12% had no opinion.

Judge Iuppa possesses a personal judicial philosophy of accountability. He participated in the creation of the county court’s first appearance center and "fast-track" domestic violence program, and actively assists the district court with docket overflow. Judge Iuppa is considered a strict, no-nonsense judge and he consistently strives to teach attorneys to be prompt and prepared. He communicates to attorneys in a very direct manner but needs to improve his communication skills to become more effective. His stated goal is to help young attorneys gain experience and develop excellent advocacy skills.