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Hyde, Bert 1992 Evaluation


Sixth Judicial District - Archuleta County Court Judge

Honorable Bert E. Hyde 

Retention Year: 1992
Recommendation: Retain


Judge Hyde received his degree in Public Administration from the University of Southern California in 1952. He was a member of the Los Angeles Police Department from 1947 until 1968 when he was relocated to the Pagosa Springs area. He was appointed and has served as Judge of the County Court for Archuleta County since 1969.

Judicial Performance Surveys were given to lawyers, litigants, law enforcement and court personnel. With two exceptions, all evaluations of Judge Hyde were favorable and the proportion of persons who voted in favor of retention was in excess of 90%. Specifically, the evaluation revealed that Judge Hyde displays a fair sense of justice, treats all parties equally, does not make decisions based upon popularity, makes clear written and oral decisions, displays demeanor appropriate to the circumstances, is courteous, displays compassion and commences his proceedings in a punctual manner.

The 6th Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance unanimously recommends that Judge Bert E. Hyde be retained.