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Glowinsky, Carol 2006 Evaluation


Twentieth Judicial District - District Court Judge

Honorable Carol Glowinsky

Retention Year: 2006
Recommendation: Retain


2006 Retention Survey Report (PDF)


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The Twentieth Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance recommends that Judge Carol Glowinsky BE RETAINED. Nine members of the Commission recommended retention and one member had no opinion.

The Twentieth Judicial Performance Commission based its decision to retain on a professionally conducted survey of both attorneys and non-attorneys who have been in her courtroom, personal observation, statistical data, public input and a personal interview. Judge Glowinsky has been forthcoming in responding to public input.

Judge Glowinsky was appointed to the Boulder County District Court in January of 1997. Prior to this, she was a Boulder County Court Judge from 1995-1997. Before taking the bench, she was a Clinical Professor of Law at the University of Colorado Law School. For the past two years, Judge Glowinsky’s caseload consisted of 75% felony cases, 10% juvenile cases, 8% misdemeanor cases, and 5% domestic relations.

Judge Glowinsky feels it is important to have a thorough understanding of law and facts before making a fair and unbiased decision. She makes every effort to treat counsel, litigants, jurors, victims and witnesses with respect. Judge Glowinsky had one of the highest survey retention results the Commission has seen over the past decade and even improved over her excellent survey results in 2000 when the Commission voted to unanimously recommend retention. Attorney survey results and two Commission Members had some concerns regarding bias toward the defense and leniency in sentencing. Non-attorney survey results and the other Commission Members did not share these concerns. Comments from the survey and public input noted relative weaknesses related to case management issues and Judge Glowinsky acknowledged that she could improve in this area. One Commission Member felt very strongly that Judge Glowinsky, at times, does not follow the law, but clouds her decisions with interpretations.

Judge Glowinsky sees community service as an important role as a citizen and a judge. She teaches continuing legal education seminars, serves on committees at CU Law School, judges high school mock trials and volunteers regularly to sort food at Community Food Share.

Judge Glowinsky received overall high marks in the survey from both attorneys and non-attorneys, particularly in areas of dignity, compassion, and treating all parties fairly. In the survey, 98% of attorneys and 97% of non-attorneys recommended “strongly” or “somewhat” that Judge Glowinsky be retained.