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Fisher, Truston 2002 Evaluation


Eighteenth Judicial District - Lincoln County Court Judge

Honorable Truston Lee Fisher

Retention Year: 2002
Recommendation: Retain

The Eighteenth Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance recommends that Judge Truston Lee Fisher BE RETAINED.

Judge Fisher has been serving as County Judge in Lincoln County since June 1, 1987. The significant majority of his docket consists of traffic offenses. He is a non-attorney.
The Commission reviewed Judge Fisher’s self-evaluation, conducted a personal interview with the judge and reviewed written evaluations from attorneys and non-attorneys. Noteworthy is the fact that the survey did not include any jurors because juror evaluations are typically quite positive for most, if not all, judges. The Commission also received direct comments from representatives of the District Attorney’s Office and conducted other interviews in order to obtain additional information and clarification of the extracted comments in the survey report.

Of the attorneys responding (a total of 17), 75% would retain Judge Fisher in office and 19% would not. Of the non-attorney survey responses, including law enforcement, social services, employees, parties and victims (but no jurors), that totaled 101 responses, 70% would retain the judge in office and 17% would not. Relatively lower marks from both attorney and non-attorney survey respondents were given in the areas of courtesy toward parties, witnesses and attorneys. The survey also shows lower favorable responses concerning the quality of treatment based on gender and socio-economic status. However, the survey results are favorable concerning treatment based upon race and age related factors. Another area of less favorable response, from both attorneys and non-attorneys, related to the judge's patience and listening to all of the testimony and arguments prior to ruling.

The Commission recognizes from the information available that Judge Fisher is committed and diligent. He has resided in Lincoln County for many years and "knows the community." He has been committed to community service and is a respected member of his community. Overall it is felt that Judge Fisher is an asset to his community sitting as a County Judge.