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Enichen, Carolyn 2002 Evaluation


Twentieth Judicial District - Boulder County Court Judge

Honorable Carolyn Hoye Enichen 

Retention Year: 2002
Recommendation: Retain

The Twentieth Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance recommends that Judge Carolyn Hoye Enichen BE RETAINED.

The Commission conducted public hearings, observed courtroom conduct, interviewed the judges, reviewed surveys, received public comments and reviewed the judge's self-evaluation in making this recommendation.

Judge Enichen was appointed as County Court Judge for Boulder County in 1995. Prior to her appointment, she served as Deputy District Attorney for the Twentieth Judicial District for seven years and as a County Court Magistrate.

Judge Enichen was highly rated in all areas surveyed by both non-attorneys and attorneys. Eighty-seven percent of attorneys surveyed recommended Judge Enichen be retained in office and only 6% recommended that she not be retained. Eighty-two percent of the non-attorneys surveyed recommended retention, with 5% for non-retention and 13% with no opinion.

In addition to supporting Judge Enichen's retention, parties surveyed rated her highly in specific categories. Strengths listed were courtesy, impartiality and communication skills. Most of those surveyed rated her highly in judicial temperament.

Despite the large docket of county court matters placed before her, Judge Enichen has received high approval for case efficiency. She is seen as treating parties equally regardless of gender, age or race. In addition, survey results and Commission review indicated that Judge Enichen has an ability to maintain both a pleasant and business-like judicial demeanor in her interaction with all parties involved in county court matters, including defendants appearing without legal representation.