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Deister, Thomas 2004 Evaluation


Twenty-First Judicial District - Mesa County Court Judge

Honorable Thomas Michael Deister

Retention Year: 2004
Recommendation: Retain

The Twenty-First Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance unanimously recommends that Judge Thomas Michael Deister BE RETAINED.

Surveys of hundreds of attorneys and non-attorneys, who had knowledge of Judge Deister, were conducted. In responses to those surveys, Judge Deister rated very high in virtually every category, and, in the majority of the categories, higher than other County Court judges and other trial judges rated. Ninety-two percent of attorneys and 91% of non-attorneys, who responded to the surveys, recommended that Judge Deister be retained in office.

The most consistent comments made about Judge Deister, by both attorneys and non-attorneys, were that he was professional. He was seen as a judge who maintained an appropriate demeanor in his courtroom, while remaining fair. He was frequently referred to as a very good or excellent judge. His one weakness appeared to be a perception that he sometimes becomes irritated, especially with lack of punctuality. Judge Deister is aware that he can lose patience with individuals who are not on time and works to ensure that he handles these situations in a professional manner.

Judge Deister has served as a County Court Judge for nine years. Prior to being appointed to the bench, he had a wide range of legal experience in both the public and private sector. His past experiences appear to have prepared him well for the immense case load that he faces each day. The Commission found Judge Deister to be a judge who recognizes the impact that he makes on the lives of those who appear in his Court, as well as those in the community at large. He endeavors to maintain a respect for the judicial system, while understanding the concern and needs of those who appeared before him. Judge Deister is especially dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of the young persons who find themselves in the court system.

The Commission found Judge Deister to be a hard working, dedicated and a compassionate judge. His respect for the judicial system is evident, as is his outstanding character. He was seen by those who were surveyed, as well as members of the commission, as a great asset to the judicial system in Mesa County.