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Curry, Thomas 2002 Evaluation


Eighteenth Judicial District - District Court Judge

Honorable Thomas J. Curry 

Retention Year: 2002
Recommendation: Retain

The Eighteenth Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance recommends unanimously that Judge Thomas J. Curry BE RETAINED.

Judge Curry was appointed to the District Court in November 1986. Prior to his appointment to the District Court bench, Judge Curry was appointed to the Arapahoe County Court bench in April 1981. Before serving as a jurist, Judge Curry was a Deputy District Attorney and was an attorney in general practice with an emphasis in domestic relations.

One hundred percent of the attorneys who were surveyed and 75% of the non-attorneys surveyed recommended retaining Judge Curry. The judge was above par in 21 out of 25 categories surveyed for all district court judges this year. There were few attorney comments but they were generally favorable. There were numerous non-attorney comments and they were likewise generally favorable toward Judge Curry.