We welcome your comments!
Commissions on Judicial Performance Evaluation review information from many valuable sources. One source includes comments submitted to the Office of Judicial Performance Evaluation regarding a judge’s performance. Citizens who have experience before a judge are welcome to provide comments about a judge performance including their integrity, legal knowledge, communication skills, demeanor, case management and service to the community. If you would care to leave a comment or statement please provide the information below in an email sent to the below email address.
While we collect feedback on an ongoing basis, comments received about a judge eligible to stand for retention in the next general election will be processed and included in judicial performance evaluations on April 1st. Any comments received after April 1st will be used in the next judicial performance evaluation cycle. In other words we value your feedback and it will be incorporated in a judge evaluation at some point.
If you're interested participating, please send us an email with the information below to begin.
Please include the following information in an email to our office:
- Judge Name
- Court Location
- Date of Interaction with Judge
- First and Last Name
- Your Comment