Eighth Judicial District - Jackson County Judge
Honorable Cindy Wilson
Retention Year: 2018
Recommendation: Meets Performance Standard

The Eighth Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance unanimously finds that Judge Cindy Wilson MEETS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS.
Judge Wilson was appointed to the Jackson County Court in 2010. She serves in a 20% part-time position presiding over the county court docket in Walden, Colorado. Judge Wilson is a Certified Public Accountant practicing primarily in taxation and management consulting. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from the University of Illinois. As the Jackson County Court Judge, Judge Wilson presides over criminal, traffic, and civil cases, including small claims.
The Commission conducted a personal interview with Judge Wilson, reviewed opinions she authored, observed her in court, reviewed comments received from the Chief Judge and District Attorney’s Office during the evaluation process, and reviewed survey responses from attorneys and non-attorneys who had experience with Judge Wilson. When survey respondents were asked “Do you think Judge Wilson meets performance standards?” 85% of the attorneys and non-attorneys responding concluded that Judge Wilson meets judicial performance standards. Among the attorneys responding, 100% said Judge Wilson meets performance standards. Among the non-attorneys responding, 80% said Judge Wilson meets performance standards, 20% said she does not meet performance standards, and 0% had no opinion. A total of 3 attorneys and 10 non-attorneys responded to the judicial performance surveys regarding Judge Wilson. The Commission notes the small pool of respondents. When evaluating whether a judge meets performance standards, the Commission considers the following criteria: Case Management, Knowledge and Application of Law, Communications, Diligence, Demeanor, and Fairness.
Judge Wilson does not come from a legal background. Because of this, during the personal interview, the Commission questioned her about her efforts to stay current with the law. Judge Wilson stated that she stays current with changes in laws by reading summaries of the legislative bills and attending judicial conferences. After the personal interview with Judge Wilson, review of opinions she has authored, and courtroom observations, the Commission is satisfied with her knowledge of the law as well as her ability to communicate the law. Judge Wilson prepares for each case by conducting research specific to that case prior to taking the bench. The Commission was impressed with her calm, even temperament, communication skills, her control of the courtroom, and dedication to the community in which she serves. Judge Wilson recognizes the lack of resources in her rural county, which limits the ability of defendants to comply with statutory requirements in sentencing. She works diligently to create options for success for those involved in the criminal justice system, while complying with the law and giving consideration to the needs of victims.