Nineteenth Judicial District - District Judge
Honorable Todd L. Taylor
Retention Year: 2018
Recommendation: Meets Performance Standard

The Nineteenth Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance unanimously agrees (10-0) that Judge Todd L. Taylor MEETS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS.
Judge Taylor was appointed to the Weld County District Court bench in August of 2010. Prior to appointment, Judge Taylor was in private practice. Judge Taylor completed his undergraduate studies in 1987 earning a BA from the University of Colorado. He received his law degree in 1991 from Georgetown University Law Center. Judge Taylor was raised in Weld County and is an active member of this community. His community service efforts are focused on educational programs where he speaks to students of all ages about the court and legal system and providing companionship to hospice patients.
The Commission conducted a personal interview with Judge Taylor, reviewed opinions he had authored, observed him in court and reviewed survey responses from attorneys and non-attorneys who had experience with Judge Taylor. Among the survey questions was “based on your responses to the previous questions related to the performance evaluation criteria, do you believe Judge Taylor meets the judicial performance standards? Of the attorneys responding 87% answered yes, Judge Taylor meets performance standards, 13% answered no, Judge Taylor does not meet performance standards. (These percentages may not total 100% due to rounding) Of the non-attorneys answering the survey 92% answered yes, Judge Taylor meets performance standards, 8% answered no Judge Taylor does not meet performance standards. A total of 31 attorneys and 25 non-attorneys responded to the survey expressing their opinion of Judge Taylor’s performance.
During this term, Judge Taylor has presided primarily over a civil docket. Before being assigned to the civil docket, Judge Taylor was assigned a criminal docket. In addition to the civil docket he has also heard probate cases, was the alternate water Judge and more recently, has been assigned domestic relations cases. Based on the Commission’s overall evaluation, Judge Taylor has demonstrated that he meets or exceeds performance standards in all categories. Non-attorneys were more critical of Judge Taylor’s communication skills and the survey results reflect a slightly lower rating when compared to attorney responses. During the interview with the Commission, Judge Taylor explained how he is an advocate of plain English to allow all parties in the courtroom to understand what is taking place. He likes to make clear how he makes his decisions, what law applies and why he is making the decision. Attorneys in the survey stated his rulings were clear and timely. The Commission is satisfied that Judge Taylor is aware of the survey results and continues to make certain all parties in his courtroom understand his decisions. Judge Taylor received high marks for application and knowledge of law, demeanor, case management and diligence. Judge Taylor has been described as respectful to all participants in his courtroom, being fair and running his courtroom in an efficient manner. The Commission observed these traits during the evaluation and interview with Judge Taylor. Based on these findings the Commission unanimously agreed that Judge Taylor meets judicial performance standards.