Fourth Judicial District - District Judge
Honorable Scott A. Sells
Retention Year: 2018
Recommendation: Meets Performance Standard

The Fourth Judicial Performance Commission on Judicial Performance unanimously (6-0) agrees that El Paso County District Judge Scott A. Sells MEETS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS.
Judge Sells was appointed to the El Paso County District Court in 2008. Judge Sells received his undergraduate degree in 1978 from Missouri State University, and his law degree from Mississippi College of Law in 1984. After law school, Judge Sells was in private practice from until 1996. Between 1996 and 2007, Judge Sells served as an El Paso County District Court Magistrate. Judge Sells has served in various leadership positions at his Church. Additionally, he has been heavily involved in coaching youth sports in Teller County, and volunteers annually as a judge in high school mock trial competitions.
The Commission conducted a personal interview with Judge Sells, reviewed opinions he authored, observed Judge Sells in court, reviewed comments received from interested parties during the evaluation, and reviewed survey responses from attorneys and non-attorneys who had experience with Judge Sells. The survey asked respondents to rate judges on a 4.00 scale in the areas of Case Management, Application and Knowledge of Law, Communications, Diligence, Demeanor and Fairness. Of the attorneys responding to the survey, 81% answered yes, meets performance standards, 10% answered no, does not meet performance standards, and 10% had no opinion regarding whether Judge Sells meets or does not meet performance standards. Of non-attorneys, 70% answered yes, meets performance standards, 22% answered no, does not meet performance standards, and 7% had no opinion regarding whether Judge Sells meets or does not meet performance standards.
Judge Sells presides over a domestic relation and a criminal docket. Based on the Commissions overall evaluation Judge Sells has demonstrated that he meets or exceeds performance standards in all categories. Generally non-attorneys rated Judge Sells lower than attorneys, and lower than the average of all district judges up for review. The Commission recognizes that the lower scores given to Judge Sells by non-attorneys may be due, at least in part, to the significant number of litigants that appear before Judge Sells in domestic relations cases without an attorney. Judge Sells is committed to and enjoys presiding over domestic relations cases. Judge Sells’ written opinions reflect his knowledge of the law and clarity of thought. Based on these findings, the Commission unanimously agreed that Judge Sells meets judicial performance standards.