Seventeenth Judicial District - Adams County Judge
Honorable Dianna L. Roybal
Retention Year: 2018
Recommendation: Meets Performance Standard

The Seventeenth Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance unanimously (10-0) agrees that Judge Dianna L. Roybal MEETS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS.
Judge Roybal, an Adams County Court Judge in the Seventeenth Judicial District, was appointed to the County Court bench in 2003. Prior to her appointment, she was in private practice, served as a Deputy District Attorney for the Adams County District Attorney’s Office and as a Magistrate for the Seventeenth Judicial District. Judge Roybal graduated in 1981 from Colorado State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and obtained her Juris Doctor in 1995 from the University of Colorado. Judge Roybal’s case load currently consists of 30% criminal, 30% misdemeanor and 40% traffic infractions.
In evaluating Judge Roybal the Commission reviewed opinions she authored, observed her in court, conducted a personal interview, reviewed comments received from interested persons, and reviewed survey responses from both attorneys and non-attorneys who had experience in her court. Of 37 attorneys’ responding to the survey 74% answered that Judge Roybal met performance standards, 11% responded that she did not and 16% stated that they had no opinion. Of 42 non-attorneys responding to the survey 93% stated that she met performance standards, 8% stated that she did not and 0% had no opinion. These numbers do not add up to 100% due to rounding.
Commission members were pleased to see that Judge Roybal’s survey results had improved since her last retention cycle which they attributed to Judge Roybal’s willingness to improve her overall performance. It was apparent she took the process and feedback seriously and worked hard to make improvements. Based on its review, the Commission recommends, by a unanimous vote that Judge Dianna L. Roybal Meets Performance Standards.