Seventh Judicial District - San Miguel County Judge
Honorable Susanne J. Ross
Retention Year: 2018
Recommendation: Meets Performance Standard

The Seventh Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance, with one Commissioner absent, voted 5 Commissioners to 4 Commissioners that Judge Susanne J. Ross MEETS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS.
Judge Ross was appointed to San Miguel County Court in September 2015. Judge Ross received her undergraduate degree in Education from Wayne State University, master’s in Guidance and Counseling from Eastern Michigan University and law degree from the University of Detroit School of Law. Before appointment she was in private practice and had served as Deputy District Attorney for the 7th Judicial District. Over the term Judge Ross presided over misdemeanor, criminal, civil, small claims and traffic matters.
The Commission observed Judge Ross in court, reviewed opinions she authored, reviewed survey responses from attorneys and non-attorneys who had experience with the Judge, interviewed the Chief Judge, the District Attorney and the Public Defender, reviewed Judge Ross’ written self-evaluation and conducted a personal interview. Both attorneys and non-attorneys were surveyed regarding Judge Ross’ performance. Of the 6 attorneys responding to the survey, 33% responded yes, meets performance standards, 17% responded no, does not meet performance standards and 50% had no opinion to the question meets or does not meet performance standards. Of the 20 non-attorneys responding to the survey, including defendants, 58% responded yes, meets performance standards, 37% responded no, does not meet performance standards and 5% had no opinion to the question meets or does not meet performance standards. Of this non-attorney population, 100% of the jurors responded Judge Ross meets performance standards.
Based on the Commission’s overall evaluation, Judge Ross meets performance standards with a goal of improvement. The Commission, with one Commissioner absent, voted 5-4 that Judge Ross meets performance standards.