Seventeenth Judicial District - Adams County Judge
Honorable Sabino E. Romano
Retention Year: 2018
Recommendation: Meets Performance Standard

The Seventeenth Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance unanimously (10-0) agrees that Judge Sabino E. Romano MEETS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS.
Judge Romano received both his undergraduate and law degrees from the University of Denver. He was appointed as an Adams County, County Court Judge in 1986 and has now served in that position for more than 32 years. Prior to his appointment, Judge Romano served as a County Court Magistrate (1983-1986) and was a lawyer in private practice from 1974-1983. During his tenure in Adams County, Judge Romano has handled a full variety of County Court cases. During this term, Judge Romano handled exclusively civil and small claims cases. He is one of two, county court judges assigned to the civil docket in Adams County Court. That docket encompasses several thousand civil and small claims cases per year.
The Commission’s assessment and evaluation is based on extensive research including review of professional surveys of attorneys and others who have appeared in his court, a personal interview with the judge, Judge Romano’s self-evaluation, a review of legal opinions rendered by the judge, case-processing statistics, and personal observations of the judge in his courtroom. Surveys from both attorneys and non-attorneys for this election cycle provided statistics that were considered in assessing Judge Romano’s effectiveness in the courtroom. Judge Romano received ratings significantly above the statewide average among all County Court judges standing for retention. Of attorneys responding to the surveys, 96% answered that he met judicial performance standards and only 4% answered that he did not meet judicial performance standards. Of non-attorneys responding to the survey, 97% answered that he met performance standards and, 3% answered that he did not (totals do not equal 100% due to rounding).
In reviewing Judge Romano’s work over the last four years, the Commission was particularly impressed with the judge’s demeanor toward litigants and others in the judicial system. He is highly recognized for his case management, application and knowledge of the law, communications, diligence and demeanor. Judge Romano genuinely cares for the people in his court. The Commission was also favorably impressed by Judge Romano’s fairness, patience, and ability to communicate with litigants who often do not have legal representation, while being able to maintain the efficiency necessary to handle his court’s overwhelming caseload. In 2012, Judge Romano was elected and honored by his peers to the position of Presiding Judge of the County Court and continues to serve in that capacity. Judge Romano is one of the leaders of the Seventeenth Judicial District Volunteer Navigator Pilot Program that selects and trains community volunteers to assist unrepresented individuals (tenants and landlords) in navigating the legal process and assisting in the resolution of tenant/landlord disputes. Based on all the aforementioned considerations, the Judicial Performance Commission’s unanimously agrees that Judge Sabino E. Romano MEETS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS.