Colorado Court of Appeals
Honorable David J. Richman
Retention Year: 2018
Recommendation: Meets Performance Standard

The State Commission on Judicial Performance finds that Judge David J. Richman MEETS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS, by a vote of 9-0. The judicial performance standards are: integrity, legal knowledge, communication skills, judicial temperament, administrative performance, and service to the legal profession and the public.
Judge Richman was sworn in as a member of the Colorado Court of Appeals on June 30, 2008. Graduating from Harvard Law School in 1975, his professional career included serving as a law clerk at the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals, a staff attorney in the Denver Regional Office of the Federal Trade Commission, a lawyer in private practice, and a career law clerk in the U.S. District Court. He advances knowledge of the legal profession through outreach to a number of youth groups, and he participates in bar and appellate court programs.
The Commission interviewed Judge Richman, read a selection of his legal opinions, observed him in court, reviewed his self-evaluation, and considered survey responses from attorneys and judges. One survey question asked whether Judge Richman met judicial performance standards. Of the attorneys who responded to that question, 88% answered yes and 12% answered no. Of the judges who responded to that question, 97% answered yes and 3% answered no. A total of 37 attorneys and 35 judges completed the survey.
Attorneys generally agree that Judge Richman is fair and impartial, treats parties equally, and is prepared for oral argument. The Commission finds that he writes well-reasoned, straightforward, and concise opinions. Based on survey responses and court observations, the Commission found Judge Richman to be productively engaged at oral argument, but also occasionally gruff with attorneys. The Commission discussed this concern with him, and he is aware of the issue. Judge Richman is a seasoned, well-respected, and solid contributor to the Court of Appeals.