First Judicial District - Jefferson County Judge
Honorable Mark Marrow Randall
Retention Year: 2018
Recommendation: Meets Performance Standard

The First Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance unanimously (10-0) agrees that Judge Mark Marrow Randall MEETS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS.
Judge Randall was appointed as a Jefferson County Judge in January 2011. Prior to his judicial appointment, Judge Randall spent twenty-three years practicing and teaching criminal law including three years as the Legislative Director of the Colorado District Attorney’s Council and service as a Chief Deputy District Attorney for the First Judicial District. Judge Randall received his undergraduate degree from Creighton University in 1985 and his Juris Doctor from the University of Denver in 1988. Outside the courtroom, Judge Randall is active in community organizations including a local animal rescue group and in professional organizations committed to the improvement of the practice of law and the administration of justice. He currently serves as the Chair of the Jefferson County Community Corrections Board, as a member of the Standing Committee of the statewide Division of Probation Services and of the Supreme Court Model Criminal Jury Instructions Committee, as an instructor in the Advanced New Judge Orientation Program, and as a judge in the Mock Trial Tournament for area high schools.
The Commission conducted a formal interview with Judge Randall, read opinions he authored, observed him in court, listened to feedback from interested parties, and reviewed survey responses from attorneys and non-attorneys who had experience with Judge Randall. Eighty-seven percent of the qualified surveys from thirty-one attorneys and 96% of the qualified surveys from seventy non-attorneys, including court staff, interpreters, probation officers, litigants, witnesses, and law enforcement personnel, indicated that Judge Randall meets performance standards.
Judge Randall presides over a heavy docket, which primarily includes criminal misdemeanor and traffic cases and about 10% felony cases. He also shares, with other county judges, the responsibility for reviewing and issuing felony search and arrest warrants. The thirty-one attorney survey respondents rated Judge Randall above the average of all county judges in every judicial performance category including case management, application and knowledge of the law, communications, diligence, and demeanor. Attorneys indicated that he runs a tight docket, handles less experienced attorneys with respect and patience, remains calm with well-reasoned opinions, avoids making up his mind until he hears everyone’s position, and reviews relevant case law prior to issuing a ruling. The seventy non-attorney survey respondents also rated Judge Randall’s performance above the average of all county judges in every judicial performance category. He was highly regarded for giving proceedings a sense of dignity, treating participants with respect, demonstrating compassion for those who appear before him, and being a good listener. Respondents indicated he had good communication skills, ensured that all participants understood the proceedings (especially jurors and parties representing themselves), spoke clearly and used plain language that everyone in the courtroom could understand. Regarding his application of the law, most respondents felt that he applied the law fairly in his rulings. Judge Randall is committed to continuing to improve his skills as a judge, to serve his community and to issue just rulings while upholding the law.