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McDonald, James 2022 Evaluation


Seventh Judicial District - Hinsdale County Court Judge

Honorable James R. McDonald

Retention Year: 2022
Recommendation: Meets Performance Standard

Headshot of Judge James McDonald



The Seventh Judicial District Judicial Performance Commission agrees that Judge James R. McDonald MEETS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS, with a unanimous agreement among the commissioners who interviewed Judge McDonald. The Colorado statutory judicial performance standards are integrity, legal knowledge, communication skills, judicial temperament, administrative performance, and service to the legal profession and the public.

Judge McDonald enjoys being a judicial officer and is an accomplished asset to the Court, with his prior and current service as a municipal judge for several Colorado municipalities. It is the opinion of the Commission that Judge McDonald does a good job managing his docket and case load as County Court Judge for Hinsdale County. While relatively new to the bench, we believe that Judge McDonald’s prior experience as a municipal court judge will assist him as a County Court Judge. Despite his limited prior experience, the Commission believes that Judge McDonald meets performance standards.

The Commission interviewed Judge McDonald via zoom video conference and in person on June 7, 2022, with various committee members observing him in Court, either in person or via electronic means. The Commission also spoke with representatives of the District Attorney’s Office and the Public Defender’s Office, and the Chief District Court Judge for the Seventh Judicial District.

Judge McDonald was appointed to the bench in May of 2020. Prior to his appointment, Judge McDonald was an attorney in private practice for over twenty-five years. Judge McDonald continues to serve as Municipal Court Judge for the City of Alamosa and for the City of Gunnison.

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