Ninth Judicial District - Rio Blanco County Judge
Honorable Laurie Anne Noble
Retention Year: 2018
Recommendation: Meets Performance Standard

2018 Retention Survey Report
The Ninth Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance unanimously agrees by a vote of 9-0 that Judge Laurie Anne Noble MEETS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS.
Judge Noble was appointed as an Associate County Judge in Rio Blanco County, in Rangely, in 1992. In 2005, she was appointed County Judge in Rio Blanco County, in Meeker, and currently services both courts, as well as the Municipal Court for the Town of Meeker. Previously, Judge Noble was in private practice, an Adjunct Instructor at Colorado Northwestern Community College, and Town Attorney for the Town of Rangely. She received her bachelor’s degree in Journalism from West Virginia University in 1982 and her Juris Doctor degree from West Virginia University College of Law in 1989. Judge Noble is active in Rio Blanco County, giving legal presentations in the schools and working with Mock Trial teams.
The Commission reviewed survey data from a cross-section of respondents who had experience with Judge Noble including attorneys, court staff, law enforcement employees, jurors and litigants. The Commission also reviewed Judge Noble’s caseload data, her self-evaluation and three opinions written and issued by her. Commissioners observed her in court and conducted a personal interview. Among the survey questions was “based on your responses to the previous questions related to the performance evaluation criteria, do you think Judge Noble meets judicial performance standards?” Survey results from attorneys responded 100% yes, she meets performance standards. Of the total non-attorneys responding to the survey, 80% answered yes, 10% answered no and 10% had no opinion. Regarding overall communication, demeanor, diligence and case management where a score of 4 is excellent, with the scale descending 3, 2, 1, and 0 for fail, attorneys gave Judge Noble a perfect 4 out of a 4 rating. Her application and knowledge of law received 3.97. All county judges in Colorado eligible to stand for retention scored lower in all categories. Compared to attorney responses, ratings by non-attorneys were slightly more critical of her overall performance and the survey results reflected a slightly lower average.
All of her ratings by attorneys were higher than average for all county judges in Colorado. She moves cases efficiently, but gives extra time when compliance with orders is difficult because of location in Rio Blanco County. The Commission felt her written decisions were deliberately thought out, well written and clear. Judge Noble presides over civil, domestic relations, criminal, misdemeanor, traffic and small claims cases in both Meeker and Rangely. Judge Noble’s strengths were noted that she is respectful, fair, patient, knowledgeable, and maintains control of her court. Observations in court and during her personal interview reflected her commitment to treat everyone with patience and courtesy; it was apparent she has an open mind and treats everyone with respect. Judge Noble is very prepared for her daily docket, exhibits an excellent judicial temperament and, by all accounts, is well suited for this judicial district/community. The Commission unanimously agreed that Judge Noble Meets Judicial Performance Standards.