Seventh Judicial District - Montrose County Judge
Honorable Ben A. Morris
Retention Year: 2018
Recommendation: Meets Performance Standard

The Seventh Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance unanimously (9-0), one Commissioner absent, agrees that Judge Ben A. Morris MEETS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS.
Judge Morris was appointed to Montrose County Court in August 2012. He received an undergraduate degree from University of Cincinnati with honors. Judge Morris received his law degree from the University of Idaho School of Law in 2001. Prior to appointment he was Senior Assistant City Attorney for the City of Montrose. Judge Morris has been the chair of the 7th Judicial District Security Committee and has participated in ongoing training with the State of Colorado’s Judicial Training Program. In 2017 Judge Morris was named Outstanding Judicial Officer for the 7th Judicial District.
The Commission observed Judge Morris in the courtroom, reviewed opinions he authored, reviewed survey results, conducted a personal interview, interviewed the Chief Judge, the District Attorney and the Public Defender and reviewed Judge Morris’ written self-evaluation. Both attorneys and non-attorneys were surveyed regarding Judge Morris’ performance. Of the attorneys responding to the survey, 77% responded yes, meets performance standards and 23% responded no, does not meet performance standards. Of non-attorneys responding to the survey 90% responded yes, meets performance standards, 2% responded no, does not meet performance standards and 7% had no opinion to the question meets or does not meet performance standards.
This term Judge Morris presided over misdemeanor, criminal, traffic, civil and small claims matters. The Commission noted Judge Morris is highly organized, manages a very heavy docket, and works diligently to maintain an efficient and productive courtroom. Based on the Commission’s overall evaluation, Judge Morris has demonstrated he meets or exceeds performance standards in all categories.