Nineteenth Judicial District - Weld County Judge
Honorable Michele Lynn Meyer
Retention Year: 2018
Recommendation: Meets Performance Standard

The Nineteenth Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance unanimously agrees (10-0) that Judge Michele Lynn Meyer MEETS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS.
Judge Meyer was appointed to the Weld County Court on September 19, 2007. Judge Meyer obtained her law degree from the University of Denver and has an undergraduate degree from Colorado State University. She was employed by the Weld County District Attorney’s Office from November 1999 until September 2007, ascending to the role of Chief Deputy District Attorney. Judge Meyer is on the Weld County Bar Association board. Judge Meyer is involved with the mentor program at the University of Northern Colorado and volunteers as a presiding judge for the Weld/Larimer County High School Mock Trial Competition.
The Commission based the review on the following: a personal interview with Judge Meyer, observations made in the courtroom, reading of opinions authored by Judge Meyer, transcripts of rulings by Judge Meyer, and survey responses from interviews with attorneys and non-attorneys. One of the survey questions was whether Judge Meyer met performance standards: The combined results: 94% said she met performance; 5% said she did not, and 1% had no opinion. Attorneys: 92% said she met performance standards and 8% said she did not; Total Non-Attorneys: 95% said she met judicial performance, 3% said she did not, and 2% had no opinion. 100% of the jurors responding to the survey said she met performance standards
Judge Meyer is in a county court docket with a predominance of criminal cases. In her performance, she has consistently demonstrated high marks in case management, application and knowledge of law, communications, diligence, demeanor, and fairness (attorneys did not give a rating in this category). Judge Meyer takes seriously, her role of insuring justice while treating all parties respectfully and while dealing with the demands of an overcrowded docket. Her rulings are clear, based on the review of the rulings provided. She understands a person’s experience in her courtroom (whether juror, litigant, defendant, victim, witness) will influence their view of the court system overall. Based on these findings, the Commission unanimously agrees that Judge Meyer meets judicial performance standards.