Fourth Judicial District - District Judge
Honorable Robert L. Lowrey
Retention Year: 2018
Recommendation: Meets Performance Standard

The Fourth Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance unanimously (7-0) agrees that El Paso District Judge Robert L. Lowrey MEETS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS.
Judge Lowrey was appointed to the District Court bench in August 2003 and assumed his position in January 2004. Judge Lowrey graduated in 1974 from the U.S. Air Force Academy. During his five years of active military duty, Judge Lowrey earned a Masters Degree in Public Administration from Georgia College in 1978. He subsequently graduated from the University of Colorado Law School in 1981. Judge Lowrey was a general practitioner from May 1982 until his appointment to the bench. His practice focused on criminal defense, domestic relations and civil litigation. Judge Lowrey makes time to engage in judging mock trials at both the high school and college levels. He frequently makes presentations on the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights to school groups. Additionally, Judge Lowrey participates in the annual National Character and Leadership Symposium held at the U.S Air Force Academy, his alma mater.
The Commission met with Judge Lowrey for a personal interview, observed him in the courtroom and reviewed his self-evaluation, judicial performance survey results and a number of the Judge Lowrey’s rulings and opinions. Eighteen (18) attorneys and 37 non-attorneys were surveyed and made written comments about Judge Lowrey’s strengths and weaknesses. Among attorneys, 100% stated that Judge Lowrey met performance standards. With non-attorneys, 91% stated Judge Lowrey met performance standards, 6% indicated he did not meet performance standards and 3% had no opinion. The small sample size of 18 attorneys completing the survey was noted by the Commission.
Judge Lowrey had very high scores across the board among attorneys and non-attorneys in each of performance criteria. Non-attorneys rated Judge Lowrey high in demeanor, with 92% of the respondents stating that he treated all participants with respect and that he conducted his courtroom in a neutral manner. Non-attorneys also rated Judge Lowrey high in communications skills, with 97% of respondents stating that Judge Lowrey used language in court that everyone could understand, and 94% stating he made sure that his rulings were clearly heard. Correspondingly, attorneys also rated Judge Lowrey above average in all evaluation categories. His overall scores on knowledge and application of the law and demeanor were particularly high. In reporting his strengths recurring themes among the attorneys include respect for all, calmness on the bench and compassion for those that appear before him. No significant/recurring weaknesses were noted by attorneys. Strengths noted among the non-attorneys were Judge Lowrey’s ability to communicate and his patience and knowledge of the law. No significant/recurring weaknesses were noted by non-attorneys. The Commission believes that Judge Lowrey is an exceptional Fourth Judicial District Judge who meets performance standards.