Eighteenth Judicial District - District Judge
Honorable Ben L. Leutwyler III
Retention Year: 2018
Recommendation: Meets Performance Standard

2018 Retention Survey Report
The Eighteenth Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance unanimously (10-0) agrees that Judge Ben L. Leutwyler III MEETS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS.
Judge Leutwyler was appointed to the District Court on July 1, 2016. Judge Leutwyler received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Iowa in 1983 and earned his law degree from Georgia State University College of Law in 1990. Prior to his appointment as a district court judge, he served as a magistrate in Arapahoe County where he presided over domestic relations and misdemeanor cases. While in private practice he handled criminal defense, domestic relations, and personal injury cases. He previously served as a prosecutor in the 18th Judicial District Attorney’s Office and in the State of Georgia. He also served as a faculty member for the National College of District Attorneys. Judge Leutwyler is a member of the Board of Directors of the Arapahoe County Bar Association, co-chair of the Youth Education Committee, and supervises the Arapahoe County High School Mock Trial Tournament.
The Commission conducted extensive research in making this recommendation, including the use of surveys, interviews of attorneys and non-attorneys who appear in his courtroom, review of his self-evaluation, observations in his courtroom by Commissioners, and review of opinions he authored. Thirteen attorneys and sixty-five non-attorneys responded to the judicial performance surveys expressing their opinion of Judge Leutwyler’s performance. Among the survey questions was, “based on your responses to the previous questions related to the performance evaluation criteria, do you think Judge Leutwyler meets judicial performance standards?” Of the attorneys responding to the surveys, 92% answered yes, that he met performance standards, 0% answered no, does not meet performance standards, and 8% expressed no opinion on whether or not Judge Leutwyler met performance standards. Of the non-attorneys surveyed, 97% answered yes, meets performance standards, 2% answered no, does not meet performance standards, and 2% had no opinion (These percentages may not total 100% due to rounding).
During the current term, Judge Leutwyler presided in primarily criminal cases. The surveys were overwhelmingly positive in all categories, with comments like “excellent job of understanding the law and issuing appropriate rulings.” It was mentioned many times that he is kind, very fair, respectful, intelligent, and even-keeled. Those on the Commission who observed the courtroom proceedings agreed that he was thoughtful and respectful to everyone. Therefore, the Commission unanimously agrees that Judge Ben Leutwyler meets performance standards.