Second Judicial District - District Judge
Honorable David H. Goldberg
Retention Year: 2018
Recommendation: Meets Performance Standard

The Second Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance unanimously (10-0) agrees that Judge David H. Goldberg MEETS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS.
Judge Goldberg was appointed to the Denver District Court effective June 1, 2015. Judge Goldberg received an undergraduate degree from University of Northern Colorado in 1980 and his law degree from Chicago-Kent College of Law. Before taking the bench, he was a trial attorney in private practice with experience in complex commercial litigation and arbitration. Judge Goldberg also served as a deputy district attorney in the Weld County District Attorney’s Office. Since 1993 he has been an instructor with the National Institute of Trial Advocacy.
The Commission conducted a personal interview with Judge Goldberg, reviewed opinions he authored and his self-evaluation. Selected members of the Commission observed Judge Goldberg in court. The Commission also reviewed survey responses from attorneys and non-attorneys who were familiar with Judge Goldberg’s work. Among the survey questions was “based on your responses to previous questions related to performance evaluation criteria do you think Judge Goldberg meets performance standards?” Of the 35 attorneys responding to the survey 94% answered yes, meets performance standards, 6% answered no, does not meet performance standards and 0% expressed no opinion. Of the 24 non-attorneys responding to the survey 88% answered yes, meets performance standards, 8% answered no, does not meet performance standards and 4% expressed no opinion. Ten appellate court judges surveyed rated Judge Goldberg’s overall performance higher than the average rating of all district judges standing for retention.
Judge Goldberg is currently assigned to the civil division but during this term also presided over the domestic relations docket. Numerous survey respondents described him as smart, fair, thoughtful and respectful with excellent experience and judicial demeanor. Members of the Commission confirmed these traits during courtroom observations. Judge Goldberg has extensive community service involvement and views public service as the most important reason he applied for the bench. Prior to his appointment, he was inducted into the Leadership Circle of the Denver Metro Chamber Foundation and served as a board director of Mile High United Way, Mile High Red Cross, Urban Peak and other civic organizations. Based on these findings the Commission unanimously agreed that Judge Goldberg meets judicial performance standards.