Colorado Court of Appeals
Honorable Rebecca Rankin Freyre
Retention Year: 2018
Recommendation: Meets Performance Standard

The State Commission on Judicial Performance finds that Judge Rebecca Rankin Freyre MEETS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS, by a vote of 9-0. The judicial performance standards are: integrity, legal knowledge, communication skills, judicial temperament, administrative performance, and service to the legal profession and the public.
Judge Freyre was appointed to the Colorado Court of Appeals on September 18, 2015. She received her undergraduate degree from Smith College, worked as a manager with Oppenheimer Funds and as a banking management consultant for Penquite & Associates, and then earned her Juris Doctorate from the University of Denver in 1990. She was a Deputy State Public Defender in the Arapahoe County Trial Office and served for ten years as Deputy State Public Defender, Appellate Division. Judge Freyre’s civic engagement includes West Middle School Mock Congressional Hearings, University of Denver law school oral arguments, several activities with Courts in the Community, and diversity internship programs.
The Commission interviewed Judge Freyre, read a selection of her legal opinions, observed her in court, reviewed her self-evaluation, and considered survey responses from attorneys and judges. One survey question asked whether Judge Freyre met judicial performance standards. Of the attorneys who responded to that question, 82% answered yes, 9% answered no, and 9% had no opinion. Of the judges who responded to that question, 97% answered yes and 3% had no opinion. A total of 30 attorneys and 31 judges completed the survey.
Judge Freyre has been on the bench for about three years, and this is her first retention review. She has quickly adapted to her judicial duties and has demonstrated competence and efficiency similar to other judges reviewed. Attorneys generally agree that she is fair and impartial, she treats parties equally, and she is courteous. Attorneys also commented that she is hard working and well prepared for oral argument. The Commission agrees with the survey results and also finds that Judge Freyre issues timely, well-organized, and concise opinions.