Eighteenth Judicial District - Lincoln County Judge
Honorable Truston Lee Fisher
Retention Year: 2018
Recommendation: Meets Performance Standard

The Eighteenth Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance unanimously (10-0) agrees that Judge Truston Lee Fisher MEETS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS.
Judge Fisher was appointed as a Lincoln County Court judge in the Eighteenth Judicial District in in June 1987. Judge Fisher is a non-attorney judge serving a predominantly rural community. He has a bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies from the Bear Valley School of Biblical Studies and served in the United States Marine Corp during the Vietnam era. He is actively involved in his community, where he has served on the School Board, assisted in the High School wrestling program as a coach, and worked in the 4-H program for over 15 years. He regularly speaks in high school government classes, conducts mock trials in the schools and has participated as a judge in many speech contests. In his spare time he manages a farming and ranching operation. Judge Fisher remains an esteemed figure and leader in Lincoln County. He is known for his humility, graciousness and sense of duty.
The Commission conducted a personal interview with Judge Fisher, reviewed opinions he authored, observed him in court, reviewed comments received from interested parties during the evaluation, and reviewed survey responses from attorneys and non-attorneys who had experience with Judge Fisher. Among the survey questions was, "based on your responses to the previous questions related to the performance evaluation criteria, do you think Judge Fisher meets judicial performance standards?" One attorney responded to the survey indicating they did not have an opinion whether Judge Fisher meets or does not meet performance standards. One-hundred percent of the sixteen non-attorneys who completed the survey responded yes, Judge Fisher meets performance standards.
Judge Fisher presides over felony, traffic, misdemeanor, and civil cases. Based on the Commission's overall evaluation, Judge Fisher has demonstrated he meets or exceeds performance standards in all categories with the exception of knowledge of the law. Attorneys responding to the surveys rated Judge Fisher's overall performance lower than non-attorneys and rated Judge Fisher's performance in "Knowledge of the Law" lower than all other categories. Judge Fisher was observed by the Commission and he demonstrated a good demeanor. Judge Fisher is aware of concerns regarding his written orders and is taking appropriate steps to correct it. The survey indicates the court’s management of the docket does not allow enough time for the participants to fully litigate their cases. Judge Fisher is aware of this concern and is actively working with his docket to alleviate this concern. Judge Fisher received high marks in case management, communications and diligence. He was also reported to be fair and prompt with his rulings. Based on these findings, the Commission unanimously agreed that Judge Fisher meets judicial performance standards.