Colorado Court of Appeals
Honorable John Daniel Dailey
Retention Year: 2018
Recommendation: Meets Performance Standard

The State Commission on Judicial Performance finds that Judge John Daniel Dailey MEETS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS, by a vote of 9-0. The judicial performance standards are: integrity, legal knowledge, communication skills, judicial temperament, administrative performance, and service to the legal profession and the public.
Judge Dailey was appointed to the Colorado Court of Appeals in 2000. He received a B.A. in political science from Bucknell University and his Juris Doctorate in 1977 from Syracuse University. He began his legal career in 1978 with the Colorado Attorney General’s Office. He continued to serve there as both the Assistant Solicitor General in charge of the Appellate Division and the Deputy Attorney General heading the Consumer Protection Section. Judge Dailey has served on the Colorado Supreme Court’s advisory committee on Rules of Appellate Procedure. He currently serves as the chairperson of the Colorado Supreme Court’s advisory committee on Rules of Criminal Procedure and as vice chair of the Colorado Supreme Court’s advisory committee on Model Criminal Jury Instructions. He regularly performs community service.
The Commission interviewed Judge Dailey, read a selection of his legal opinions, observed him in court, reviewed his self-evaluation, and considered survey responses from attorneys and judges. One survey question asked whether Judge Dailey met judicial performance standards. Of the attorneys who responded to that question, 79% answered yes, 3% answered no, and 17% had no opinion. Of the judges who responded to that question, 100% answered yes. A total of 39 attorneys and 46 judges completed the survey.
Judge Dailey received positive overall performance evaluations from both attorneys and his fellow judges. He received high scores in almost all categories. He is efficient in writing, reviewing cases, and preparing for oral argument. Judge Dailey is especially adept at issuing opinions in a timely manner. His written and oral communications are clear and understandable. Judge Dailey conscientiously applies legal precedent and Colorado statutes in reaching opinions. Some comments indicate he is occasionally too abrupt toward counsel. Judge Dailey received uniformly high ratings from his fellow judges, who consider him a helpful colleague. The Commission believes that Judge Dailey will continue to perform at a consistently high level.