Twentieth Judicial District - Boulder County Judge
Honorable Elizabeth House Moulton Brodsky
Retention Year: 2018
Recommendation: Meets Performance Standard

The 20th Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance unanimously (10-0) finds that Judge Elizabeth House Moulton Brodsky MEETS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS.
Judge Brodsky was appointed to the Boulder County Court bench in October 2015. She previously served as a Domestic Relations Magistrate, beginning in January 2011. Judge Brodsky worked at Colorado Legal Services, first as an attorney in the Family and Children’s Unit and then as the managing attorney of Boulder County Legal Services. After leaving Boulder County Legal Services, Judge Brodsky established a private practice working primarily with respondent parents and children in Dependency and Neglect matters. Judge Brodsky is a 1997 graduate of the University of Colorado Law School and a 1994 graduate of the University of Colorado.
The Commission evaluated Judge Brodsky based on the criteria set forth in state law (C.R.S. 13-5.5-107): integrity, legal knowledge, communication skills, judicial temperament, administrative performance, and service to the legal profession and the public. Each Commissioner observed Judge Brodsky in her courtroom. Each Commissioner also reviewed Judge Brodsky’s self-evaluation, samples of her rulings and orders, a report on her caseload, and anonymous results of qualitative surveys sent to people who appeared in her courtroom during 2017. The Commission met with the Chief Judge, the District Attorney, and the Chair of the Boulder Chapter of the Colorado Criminal Defense Bar. The Commission held a public hearing on May 15, 2018, to gather input from the community. The Commission also interviewed Judge Brodsky. Due to concerns about the limited number of survey responses, Commissioners gave less weight to the survey results. Of the 28 attorneys who responded to the survey, 89% said that Judge Brodsky meets performance standards. Of the 72 non-attorneys who responded to the survey, 96% said that Judge Brodsky meets performance standards. The Commission found that court observations, (totaling 50 hours for all Commissioners), meeting with various stakeholders, and interviewing Judge Brodsky provided the best insights.
Judge Brodsky presided over a variety of cases in this term including: 30% civil, 10% criminal, 20% traffic, 30% misdemeanor, and 10% small claims matters. Survey respondents of Judge Brodsky’s overall performance highlighted her efficient, thorough, and diligent courtroom conduct. Judge Brodsky received high marks in case management, communications and demeanor. Judge Brodsky is described as being fair and unbiased, treating all participants in the courtroom with respect, to the point of being compassionate and empathetic. The Commission agreed that Judge Brodsky demonstrated knowledgeable, patient, fair, and just conduct during courtroom observations and her personal interview. Judge Brodsky engages in a significant amount of community service and views it as important to her role as a judge. She volunteers in programs that educate the public and students at all grade levels, mentors law students and feeds people through a local food pantry. Based on the Commission’s overall evaluation, Judge Brodsky has demonstrated that she meets or exceeds performance standards in all categories.