Fourth Judicial District - District Judge
Honorable Jill M. Brady
Retention Year: 2018
Recommendation: Meets Performance Standard

The Fourth Judicial District Judicial Performance Commission unanimously (8-0) agrees that El Paso County District Judge Jill M. Brady MEETS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS.
Judge Brady was appointed to the El Paso County District Court on July 1, 2015. Prior to her appointment, Judge Brady served as a magistrate in the Fourth Judicial District from 2013-2015, presiding over a domestic relations docket. Judge Brady graduated from the University of Michigan School of Law, with honors, in 2002, after which she worked for two years as a Law Clerk for the Honorable Marianne O. Battani of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. From 2004-2006, Judge Brady practiced antitrust and commercial litigation in Chicago, Illinois before moving to Colorado. Judge Brady practiced employment law in Denver for one year, and then moved to Colorado Springs where she was a staff attorney at Colorado Legal Services for five years before taking the bench. Judge Brady formed a Best Practices Team of judges, lawyers, mental health professionals and other community providers that meets monthly to discuss how to improve services for domestic relations litigants. This team is working to start a support group for teens whose parents are separating. Judge Brady recently completed five years of service on the Board of the Pikes Peak Justice and Pro Bono Project, an organization that works to provide free or low cost legal advice and representation to people who cannot afford it. She also makes periodic presentations to Court Appointed Special Advocates (“CASA”) on supervised parenting time in domestic relations and civil protection order cases.
The Commission personally interviewed Judge Brady, observed her in Court, and reviewed judicial performance data, several of her written opinions and orders, judicial performance survey results, and written comments from attorneys and non-attorneys. Judge Brady’s overall combined performance score for all categories of respondents (attorneys, non-attorneys, jurors, law enforcement, defendants, litigants, and witnesses) is 3.39 out of 4.00, with a combined 84% of survey respondents agreeing that Judge Brady meets judicial performance standards. Judge Brady’s District Court docket presently consists of 50% domestic relations and 50% criminal cases. She serves as the Domestic Relations Presiding Judge.
Judge Brady is widely considered to be fair and impartial, and an excellent case manager. Survey respondents praised her logical and thoughtful rulings as clear and easy to understand. The Commission concurred, finding that Judge Brady accurately applies the law and that her legal rulings are thoughtful and well-reasoned. The Commission concludes that Judge Brady is a hard-working accomplished judge who meets performance standards. She is well-qualified to continue as a District Court Judge.