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Beckenhauer, Kurt 2020 Evaluation


Seventh Judicial District - Montrose County Judge

Honorable Kurt Michael Beckenhauer

Retention Year: 2020
Recommendation: Meets Performance Standard

The Seventh Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance unanimously (9-0) agrees, with one Commissioner absent, that Judge Kurt Michael Beckenhauer MEETS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS.

Over the past term Judge Beckenhauer presided over criminal, misdemeanor, traffic, civil, and small claims matters.  Based on the Commission’s overall evaluation, Judge Beckenhauer has demonstrated that he meets or exceeds performance standards in all categories. Judge Beckenhauer is new to the bench.  This is his first evaluation by the Seventh Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance.  Judge Beckenhauer carefully reviewed the survey results prior to his interview with the Commission.  Without exception, comments to the surveys attested to Judge Beckenhauer’s patience, fairness, thoughtfulness and respect for litigants.  Weaknesses suggested were organization and efficiency.  Judge Beckenhauer had prepared a plan to address his organization and efficiency, including the use of pre-hearing preparation, spreadsheets, and scripts for matters that occur regularly.  Judge Beckenhauer has also asked other judges to critique his docket management.  It is the belief of the Commission that Judge Beckenhauer’s only significant weakness is inexperience, and that his performance will improve with time.

The Commission observed or monitored Judge Beckenhauer in the courtroom, reviewed opinions he authored, reviewed survey results, interviewed the Chief Judge, the District Attorney and the Public Defender, reviewed Judge Beckenhauer’s written self-evaluation, and conducted a personal interview.  Eleven attorneys responded to surveys regarding Judge Beckenhauer’s performance.  All of the attorneys responding agreed that Judge Beckenhauer does meet performance standards.  The surveys covered the judicial performance criteria of integrity, legal knowledge, communication skills, judicial temperament, administrative performance and service to the legal profession and the public.  The criteria are graded on a scale of 0 to 4.  Judge Beckenhauer’s overall rating was 3.1.  

Judge Beckenhauer was appointed to the Montrose County Court in August of 2018.   Prior to his appointment Judge Beckenhauer worked as a prosecutor in the Office of the District Attorney for the Seventh Judicial District. 

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