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Zeerip, Bo A. 2024 Evaluation


Seventh Judicial District - Delta County Court Judge

Honorable Bo A. Zeerip

Retention Year: 2024
Recommendation: Meets Performance Standards


2024 Retention Survey Report (PDF)

2023 Interim Survey Report (PDF)


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The Seventh Judicial District Commission on Judicial Performance unanimously agrees by a vote 8-0, with one absent and one Commissioner vacancy, that Judge Bo A. Zeerip MEETS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS

The Commission interviewed Judge Zeerip via Zoom video conference on April 22, 2024, with various Commission members observing him in Court, either in-person or via electronic means prior to that interview. The Commission also spoke with representatives of the District Attorney’s Office and the Public Defender’s Office, and the Chief District Court Judge for the Seventh Judicial District in undertaking its evaluation of Judge Zeerip. Further, the Commission reviewed the 2024 Judicial Performance Survey Report for Judge Zeerip, and self-evaluation materials from Judge Zeerip, including submitted decisions. 

The Commission notes that Judge Zeerip has made a concerted effort to improve on those areas which were highlighted during his interim evaluation in 2023, and it appears that he is making efforts to close cases within the State’s timeframe benchmarks. Overall, the Commission sees improvement by Judge Zeerip. Judge Zeerip is encouraged to be mindful of, and to remove himself from situations where it may be alleged that ex-parte communications can occur. Further, Commissioners observed several incidents where Judge Zeerip appeared to editorialize or voice his opinion from the bench, more than what was perceived to be necessary. Nevertheless, the consensus from the Commission is that Judge Zeerip is generally fair and impartial, listens to the evidence presented by counsel, and presides efficiently over a demanding docket. 

Judge Zeerip served as a prosecutor for the Mesa County District Attorney’s Office prior to his appointment as a Judge. Judge Zeerip received his undergraduate degree from Central Michigan University and his Juris Doctor from Regent University.